Huurcommissie Rent check dependent living space for tenants and landlords

About the accommodation

In this first section of the Rent Check, we look at the accommodation or building that incorporates the room(s) or other shared accommodations, like the house in which the room is rented out. Tip: You can save your data at any point and finish the check later. The Rent Check remembers the data you entered.

Address of the accommodation

What is the postcode and house number?

Time period

This Rent Check calculates the maximum rent from 1 July 2024.


Enter the WOZ value of the accommodation.

Where can I find the WOZ value of my accommodation?

Go to WOZ-waardeloket and enter your postcode and house number.
Please make sure you get the WOZ value valid on 1 January 2022.

To calculate the WOZ points, the (useable) surface area of the entire accommodation is required.

The surface area can be consulted through the WOZ value desk, under ‘Characteristics’ (‘Kenmerken’). You need to copy this value.

WOZ data

WOZ value: Reference date:

Energy performance

Check the energy label of the accommodation.

Where can I find the energy label of my accommodation?

The Rent Check retrieves the energy label from the EP-Online database. Alternatively, you can consult the database yourself.

Energy label or year of construction




How many tenants at the same address have access to the communal area? NB:

  1. The tenant should be included in this number. For a space shared with two other tenants, for example, the answer should be “three”.
  2. A couple living together may be counted as one tenant. Consult your tenancy agreement for the correct answer.
  3. Rooms/shared spaces which are currently unoccupied or not used as living space need to be included in the number.

Communal indoor spaces

Does the tenant have access to indoor spaces that are shared with other addresses?

What counts as a ‘communal space’?

All indoor spaces shared by the tenant with one or more other addresses count towards the points score. The tenant should have access to these spaces and be allowed to use them. Examples include: a communal bike shed, laundry room or cellar.

Select ‘yes’ if there are one or more communal indoor spaces. You will be able to specify the particular kind of spaces involved in the next step.

Communal indoor spaces